Refund Policy

All payments are final and nonrefundable. In the event of an emergency or a specific situation a parent may request a special request for a refund. A refund may be issued in this situation only at the discretion of the administration of Punch Kikk Fit. There will be no refunds or make-ups for missed days.

Medications and Allergies Policy

Parents and guardians must notify Punch Kikk Fit and their coaches club if their child needs to have medications on hand for allergies or medical conditions. Parents and guardians should also discuss any other medical limitations or concerns with Punch Kikk Fit. Any student with a brace or bandage will not be allowed to participate in Punch Kikk Fit if his or her injury may impair activities.

Emergency Policy

In the event of an emergency the staff of Punch Kikk Fit has the ability to make a decision on behalf of your child to secure the safety of your child; in the event Punch Kikk Fit cannot reach a guardian or it is of the essence that said emergency needs swift action.

Photo Policy

By agreeing to these terms and conditions all parents and guardian provide permission to Punch Kikk Fit to photograph or video tape their child during Punch Kikk Fit classes for exclusive use on our website, on our social media platforms, and marketing materials. Parents and guardians must contact Punch Kikk Fit to request that their child not be photographed or video taped.

Liability Waiver and Release

Parents or legal guardians of children participating in any Punch Kikk Fit assume full responsibility for all risks taken and injuries incurred by their child(ren) while participating in any event or activity of Punch Kikk Fit. By completing this registration form, you, as the legal guardian of the registered child listed above, acknowledge that Punch Kikk Fit activities have inherent risks and agree to assume all risks and hazards incident to your child’s participation . You further release and forever hold harmless Punch Kikk Fit; employees of Punch Kikk Fit, executive board members of Punch Kikk Fit; and any and all persons acting on behalf of these organizations or individuals, from any claims, losses, or injury sustained during or in connection with your child’s participation in any Punch Kikk Fit activity, including but not limited to medical expenses or any other form of monetary or other loss.

Fighting Obesity

one punch at a time



monday - friday @ 3:15 pm

keep your kid active today

Location(s): coming soon



what we are about

Wellness is paramount to all children.

The overall well-being of children is the collaborative work among all of the school stake holders. Including the families and the community at large. We at punch kikk fit believe in the collaborative approach to advocate, promote, and instill wellness habits. Addressing the wellness needs of children today, will certainly prepare this generation for a better future.

getting Stronger Everyday

Our Mission

Keeping you active

Children engage in many activities, many of which probably does not include staying active. Due to scheduling and programming, many elementary schools do not meet the required 120 minutes time required for physical education, and others offer PE once or twice a week. At the elementary level, some offer recess every day for only 20 minutes. That gives children minimal time to run, jump, and essentially play. A trend that may influence their physical literacy. We at Punch Kikk Fit know that is not enough! We believe that kids need more movement. The Frequency Intensity Time and Type of activity could make an impact, but Enjoyment in engaging in physical activity is ultimately, what we hope to offer. In our program, kids will Move, Run, Punch, and exert extra energy. Your child will love this program, and you will notice the difference in their fitness pursuits and overall attitude.

There are many challenges associated with being a young child and during the teen years. Peer pressure, homework, fast food, studying, and making new friends to mention a few. We at Punch Kikk Fit understand that physical activity can be positively correlated with brain functionality, which can assist in the development of good study habits and the completion of homework and other school related assignments. In addition, learning how to select healthy food choices that can help to develop healthy bodies and minds is paramount to our mission. Other opportunities that we offer are strategies to develop self-defense skills to increase self-esteem, confidence, and most importantly emotional intelligence to cope with day-to-day interactions.

The Punch Kikk Fit program is a 12 week, fun, engaging, and effective program to help motivate school children enhance their physical activity pursuits. The program is designed to teach and promote health related fitness in a safe and enjoyable manner. Physical education teachers can also use this program as part of their fitness lessons and easily aligned the Physical Education learning standards and the SHAPE America Grade Level Outcomes.

* indicates required

School Site(s)

Coming Soon

stay tuned